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This is Why We Enjoyed Ecofiesta 2024 – #NextGenRainforestRescuer

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Cairns Ecofiesta is an annual sustainability event ringed with green pen in Rainforest Rescue’s calendar. This year Rainforest Rescue’s Junior Ambassador, Daisy, joined our team’s stall to chat with locals and soak up the Ecofiesta atmosphere. 

Here’s Daisy’s report from Ecofiesta 2024:


Rainforest Rescue's stall at Cairns Ecofiesta 2024. Milly, Daisy and Martin are at the stall.
Milly (Nursery Hand), Daisy & Martin (Media Producer) at the Rainforest Rescue stall at Ecofiesta 2024


“Bright colours, laughing, food, music.  

Now that I have got your attention, let me tell you about the best time of year!

Cairns Ecofiesta happens on a Sunday in June to celebrate caring about our natural world and all the important plants and animals in it. You can learn lots about living in a sustainable way that has less impact on the planet. So far, I have been to three Ecofiestas with Rainforest Rescue, this year was the best. Here are my five reasons why:


1. Amazing things to share 

Rainforest Rescue has a big stall at Ecofiesta. This year was our biggest stall ever! We met lots of people and talked about the Daintree Rainforest and planting trees. Our stall had big prints of the Daintree and a big screen to show people the new Nursery and a family of Cassowaries. The Cassowaries live at Kurranji Bubu where people helped to restore the rainforest. Lots of people bought t-shirts and I helped them to pick out their favourite colour. They could also win a prize for guessing how many seeds are in our big jar.

Our team also showed people different seeds and plants that grow in the rainforest and talked about why they are important. The people I chatted with are excited about making a difference and learning what plants are good for their back yards to help nature. We had lots of vines that Cairns Birdwing Butterflies love, so people could take them home to plant and help the butterflies to find a place to eat, lay their eggs and grow their caterpillars.


Cairns Ecofiesta 2024 –  Dr Karl on the main stage


2. Great music and live events 

There is a really big stage at Ecofiesta that bands and singers play on. People like Dr Karl do their talks for people to listen to and learn about things like recycling and how we can help to make an impact on climate change. If you want to, you can dance and jump around by the stage, which is really fun. They have a big screen to watch things like films and the bands playing. Also, there are some smaller tents which have talks and workshops going on. Our team was really excited because the Regenerating Australia film was being shown by Damon Gameau. This film shows people what the future might be like if we decide to do some good things for the environment. I listened to some people talking about climate change and what is happening in Queensland to make a difference.



3. Loads of cool stalls 

Ecofiesta is like a festival where there are lots of stalls and activities to do. There were different charities and groups from Far North Queensland to visit and learn about what they do. I spoke with people about fruit bats, cassowaries, using less plastic and caring for the coral reef. There were kids printing their own t-shirts, science experiments that showed us how clean energy is made, and you could even ride a bike to blend your own smoothie! All the people I met were really friendly, and they want to help you to learn more about how we can take care of the environment. Sometimes I worry about the planet, but there is always someone who can help you think of ways to help. Every stall is different to the others so there is something new to see and do wherever you are in Ecofiesta.


4. Yummy food and drink 

The food at Ecofiesta is amazing! It’s like really good food from home but with different ingredients and recipes. I had some vegan donuts and spicy noodles. Yum! There are all these food vans and little food stalls where you can get organic food or vegetarian or vegan food. To stop wasting more plastic and rubbish the Ecofiesta cups and plates are all reusable. I’m not sure who does all the washing up, but they are doing a great job!



5. Happy people everywhere 

Lastly, Ecofiesta is a place for everyone. When I walked around the festival everybody seemed really happy and relaxed and enjoying themselves. There were lots of families and kids playing on the grass and listening to the bands. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you look like, Ecofiesta is a very welcoming place to be. This means that Ecofiesta is a bit like a town you want to live in where everyone is busy doing good things and helping each other and there are always cool activities to do. I talked with lots of people, and they all care about our planet and are worried about its future. If you are doing something to help, then this is good for trying to make a difference. I wish that Ecofiesta could happen every weekend!


If you are in Cairns next June, make sure you go to Ecofiesta 2025. You won’t regret it!” 

As told by Daisy, Rainforest Rescue’s Junior Ambassador.


To keep up to date with our #NextGenRainforestRescuer crew, follow the hashtag on social media.  

If you know someone young who is doing wonderful things to highlight the incredible Daintree Rainforest, perhaps they could be our next #NextGenRainforestRescuer! Why not drop us a note at and we could feature them in a future article… 



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