3000 reasons to Love the Daintree

Not like you needed more … but here’s another 3000 reasons to Love the Daintree! This year’s Community Tree Planting was terrific for so many reasons. We had a great turnout with [...]

Plant a Tree – or 4000!

We warmly invite you to our annual Community Tree Planting Day on Saturday 4th May 2019. We’d love you to help us plant over 4,000 rainforest seedlings to help us Protect Rainforest [...]

PROTECTED – Lot 15 Thornton Peak Dr

Thanks to Rainforest Rescuers who contributed to our holiday campaign, our 32nd Daintree Property is set to be rescued thanks to Rainforest Supporters! Lot 15 Thornton Peak Dr will be protected [...]

Big Scrub Day – Not to Be Missed!

The Big Scrub was the largest expanse of lowland subtropical rainforest in Australia, covering an area of approximately 75,000 hectares on rich volcanic and alluvial soils between Byron Bay, [...]

PROTECTED – Lot 2 Forest Creek Road

Thanks to those of you who supported this effort with meaningful contributions to the June 2018 appeal, we have now purchased Lot 2 Forest Creek Road! You made this possible because you care [...]

Message from Julian Gray

I’m writing to share some news with you. I’ve had a wonderful time as CEO and together we’ve achieved some amazing wins for Rainforest conservation. However, illness in my extended family means [...]

Lot 19 Cape Tribulation

LOT 19: RESCUED! Thank You… amazing result! We’ve reached our target two weeks before the deadline and have rescued our No.1 priority vulnerable rainforest property in the Daintree. [...]