Chris Bennett Reserve

Rescued Rainforest named after Daintree conservationist, Chris Bennett A rescued block of Daintree rainforest is being named after local conservationist Chris Bennett. The rainforest property is [...]

Daintree River Revegetation Project

Joe Reichl, Rainforest Rescue’s Daintree Land Manager, talks about a recent river bank revegetation project along the Daintree River.  Last summer sadly saw the most extensive coral bleaching [...]

Planting Rainforests for the Future

Planting Rainforests is easier with extra hands! Locals were joined by Rainforest Rescue staff from Mullumbimby, Sydney and the Daintree, along with volunteers from several corporate donors. [...]

Planting Seeds for the Future

All trees planted by Rainforest Rescue staff and volunteers are grown at our rainforest nursery The restoration season is in full swing in the Daintree with the Rainforest Rescue crew busy [...]