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Bequests and Gifts in Wills

If the beauty and diversity of our Rainforests are important to you and you wish to see conservation continue beyond your lifetime, consider a lasting contribution to help protect our Rainforests as your ultimate gift to future generations.

In summary, bequests & planned gifts in your Will may contribute to rainforests in the following ways:

1. Leave the balance of your estate to Rainforest Rescue after specific bequests and gifts for family and friends

2. Leave a nominated portion or a fixed percentage of your estate to Rainforest Rescue

3. Leave specific planned gifts to Rainforest Rescue such as money, property, shares, insurance policies, jewellery or anything of value

4. Leave your entire estate to Rainforest Rescue. This occurs when there are no living relatives and the Benefactor wishes to achieve something significant with their estate

Bequests and planned gifts may be right for you if:

You would like to make a gift to Rainforest Rescue.

You want the flexibility to change your mind.

You want continued access to your wealth, should you need it.

You are concerned about outliving your resources.

You want to make sure your legacy is strong and represents your life’s mission.

If you choose to create your own Bequest Plan, this link provides you with the appropriate language.

Get in touch regarding Bequests today

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