PROTECTED – Lot 24 Cape Tribulation Rd

Thanks to you – Lot 24 Cape Tribulation Rd is safe from development – forever!
It’s official: Lot 24 Cape Tribulation Road is safe from development.
Thanks to you, our community of Rainforest Rescuers & Rainforest Guardians who believe in the importance of nature over development, this beautiful rainforest property will be protected from development and will continue to provide essential habitat for the many local endemic and endangered species, like the Southern Cassowary. Together we are Protecting Rainforests Forever!
Lot 24 Cape Tribulation Road is strategically located to increase an established wildlife corridor and connect protected rainforest, this property connects to the Daintree National Park / World Heritage Area through prior rescues. This purchase and rescue has further extended the Rainforest Rescue Cape Kimberley Wildlife Corridor.
This beautiful rainforest is near prior rescues and connects directly to the National Park. It is in close proximity to 10 properties protected by Rainforest Rescue that form the Cape Kimberley Wildlife Corridor and the Milky Pine Wildlife Refuge; its protection further enhances these areas.
Rare and endangered species such as the Southern Cassowary and Bennett’s Tree-Kangaroo are endemic to the area, and ancient primitive flowering plants abound.
Buying this property extends a priceless and important wildlife and biodiversity nature corridor, significantly building upon existing Rainforest Rescue protected areas. This buyback is of vital importance and prevents rainforest destructive development.

Ecological Advisor Allen Sheather and Barbara Maslen
“Acquiring this property augments the integrity of the wildlife corridor we have already established through lots 27, 29, 30, 32 and 33. With a significantly high ecological score we recommend that Rainforest Rescue urgently acquire this property.”
— Allen Sheather, Rainforest Rescue’s Daintree Ecological Advisor with Barbara Maslen.
Lot 24 Cape Tribulation Road is the next piece of the Cape Kimberley Wildlife Corridor puzzle. With this purchase, you have helped us protect almost two hectares of pristine Daintree rainforest habitat.
This property is rich in endemic species of plants and animals. Plants like the beautifully scented Daintree Gardenia (Randia audasii) or the many species of primitive Laurels, relatives of avocados such as Sankey’s Walnut and animals such as Striped Possums and one of Australia’s most primitive Kangaroos, the Musky Rat Kangaroo. It directly connects to the Daintree National Park, and our field staff have assessed this property with a very high ecological score.
It is only through the support of incredible people like you, that this precious rainforest and habitat can be protected from development. Your support ensures that when we pool resources and target our efforts, we can protect and restore damaged habitat for the benefit of rainforest animals, plants, insects and fungi, and for future generations.
In the absence of greater legislative protections, we believe it’s incumbent on good people like you and I to protect and preserve what we love; that nature and rainforests such as the Daintree simply must be protected forever.
The Daintree is Australia’s crown jewel of biodiversity – it is nothing less than our honour to protect it—with your support and your commitment to nature, we will continue to do so.
Every rescue is essential, and we will keep rescuing rainforest, block by block, protecting it forever, but only with your help. Heroes like you are Protecting Rainforests Forever
We can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support and belief in the work of Rainforest Rescue. Our 35th rescue in the Daintree World Heritage Area is only possible because people like you care enough to make the difference.
The Team at Rainforest Rescue
PS. Stay tuned for more good news.
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