Meet our Board of Directors
Rainforest Rescue is an Australian Company Limited by Guarantee, managed by a Board of Directors who contribute their service on a voluntary basis. Learn more about our Directors below.

Branden Barber (BA, MFIA) | Director, CEO
Branden Barber is a lifelong environmentalist. With a degree in Environmental Studies from UC Santa Cruz, he cut his teeth with Greenpeace International on the Rainbow Warrior and MV Greenpeace, and then ran the Victorian State Office for Greenpeace Australia in the 1990s.
Over the last 25 years he has worked in both the social profit and for-profit sectors, from start-ups to S&P 500 companies to NGO’s, large and small. In the last decade, Branden has been involved with various environmental organisations as staff or as a consultant, served on the Leadership Teams at both Rainforest Action Network and Amazon Watch, and has sat on several boards – always with a focus on the environment. He’s passionate about rainforests, is ardently committed to the natural world, stands for environmental justice and the rights of indigenous peoples for sovereignty and self-determination, and brings a wealth and breadth of experience to Rainforest Rescue as our CEO.

Tate Brammer | Secretary, GM Finance & Operations
Tate is a passionate, inquisitive and driven leader who cares deeply about nature and the environment. Prior to working with Rainforest Rescue Tate was Head of Operations in the food security, health and education sectors in Australia. Tate also worked in the water, wastewater and waste to energy sectors for 15 years managing the delivery and operation of complex infrastructure projects. He is determined to succeed in all situations and is extremely adaptable.
With the world’s growing population and the heavy impacts of consumption and industrialisation on our environment Tate’s goal is to be an integral part of solutions to protect and enhance the environment for all future generations. He is passionate about the optimisation and transformation of businesses to eliminate waste, increase efficiencies and reduce resource inputs. Environmental, financial and societal sustainability are his drivers. Tate is a qualified engineer and holds a Master of Business Administration from The University of Sydney. Tate joined the team in April 2023.

Revel Pointon | Director
Working as an environmental lawyer for over 10 years assisting, partnering with, and volunteering on the boards of myriad conservation and science-focused not-for-profits, Revel is a passionate advocate for environmental protection, and is dedicated to helping Rainforest Rescue thrive in its purpose of protecting and growing our precious rainforest areas. Supporting First Nations justice is also a key driver for Revel, which she brings to her role on the Board.
Revel has a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Environmental Management from the University of Queensland, a Masters in Culture and Development Studies from KU Leuven, Belgium, and a Graduate Certificate in Policy and Governance from the Queensland University of Technology. Revel also has a keen interest in education, working as a sustainability educator in Mexico, and tutoring and lecturing in various areas of law. Revel was the recipient of the 2017-2018 Mahla Pearlman Australian Young Environmental Lawyer of the Year award.

Karl Tischler | Director
Karl is an experienced designer, storyteller, and presenter.
He is also the Founder and Managing Director of Marlin Communications—Australia’s largest agency serving the for-purpose sector—and the instigator of the company’s focus on ethical and sustainable business practices.
Karl is a passionate activist and alumni of the Australian Progress Fellowship, and he believes that organisations like Rainforest Rescue—and the for-purpose sector more generally—warrant and deserve the best of his efforts. His sole purpose is to ensure that his agency delivers the most effective creative to the most deserving sector, and it is this combination of enthusiasm, dedication and resolve that he wishes to bring to Rainforest Rescue.

Rachel White B (Bus), CA | Acting Chairperson, Director
As a recognised CFO working in solar and hydrogen technology deployment & executive leader in the commercial sector, Rachel brings a combination of strategic thinking, relationship building, financial stewardship, leadership, and operational effectiveness to Rainforest Rescue, built on a solid foundation of governance skills & ethos. Rachel is passionate about rainforest preservation and is excited to be applying skills acquired in the commercial sector to the preservation of the Daintree.
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