Purchasing and protecting Lots 11 and 12 Forest Creek Road increases the area of the Rainforest Rescue Nature Refuge and Forest Creek Wildlife Corridor
Both have National Park and World Heritage Area connectivity and the total size is around two hectares. Both possess significant biodiversity, including four species that have limited distribution. Thanks to Rainforest Rescuers all around the world, from business partners who put their money where their brand is to individuals who can make significant contributions to everyone who gave in any amount this habitat is protected forever.
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We’re often asked about our strategy of purchasing individual parcels of rainforest and whether it makes much difference.
Buying individual parcels of rainforest land that is currently in private hands is the single best way to maintain and protect rainforest. It is very effective and in the Daintree it works as a ‘stop gap’ measure that ensures these properties are not developed and that they remain undisturbed; providing refugia for the rare and threatened species of the Daintree.
They also act as ‘buffers’ that prevent further rainforest eroding. It is akin to a wedge—a pristine and vital wedge. Buying such properties as Lots 11 and 12 is also key to our longer term strategy of acquiring and protecting small blocks that in time can be connected and wildlife corridors created.
This is exactly what we’ve seen—wildlife returning and biodiversity increasing—when such small parcels of rainforest properties are protected and pieced together in this way.
These corridors provide essential connectivity; protecting and sustaining the many rare and threatened species of the Daintree. Animals like the Spotted-Tail Quoll, Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo and the iconic Southern Cassowary, all benefit.
We first visited Lots 11 and 12 many years ago. They are both owned by the one property owner and over the years as we have purchased 9 neighbouring lots, the importance of Lots 11 and 12 has markedly increased.
So when these two connected rainforest properties became available for purchase, we returned to Lots 11 and 12 Forest Creek Road. Both these properties have had little disturbance. The canopy is intact and is typical of the forest in that general area.
Allen Sheather, our Ecological Advisor, has reported that in the context of the neighbouring lots and the quality of existing rainforest located there, these are ideal purchases and that their value to us, and to rainforest conservation more generally, is very significant.
You don’t need us to tell you that as our world gets more complex and our society more technologically advanced, it is easy to underestimate the fundamental role that tropical rainforests, like the Daintree, have.
Tropical rainforests regulate climate and global weather patterns. They are among Earth’s most precious resources. They have a profound influence on freshwater provision, climate stabilisation, pollination and food production, air quality, temperature, biodiversity, medicines and human health.
Globally, tropical deforestation and degradation have reduced the area covered by tropical rainforests from 12 percent to less than 5 percent of Earth’s land area. This is terrifying because the benefits obtained by healthy rainforest ecosystems underpin our very existence and are the pillars of planetary well-being.
Individually, it’s overwhelming. But collectively, when we purchase and protect precious parcels such as Lots 11 and 12, we can indeed help save the rainforests we love and protect them forever. Small local acts, can have global impact.
Wildlife such as Musky Rat-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus), Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii), Spectacled Flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) and Spotted-tailed Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus maculatus) have been seen or are known to live in the habitat of Lots 11 and 12 Forest Creek Road. Extending this Nature Refuge to protect them is crucial.
For over twenty years, Rainforest Rescue has worked to understand, value, and protect our tropical rainforests and during that time our primary focus has been on the most ancient of rainforests, the Daintree.
Working alongside members of the local community, guided by impeccable scientists, and in consultation with Indigenous elders from the region, we’ve developed best practices for the protection of rainforests and creation of contiguous nature corridors.
But, it is only thanks to the consistent and regular support that every Rainforest Rescue supporter provides which means we can do this. These donations empowered us to buy these two very precious parcels of rainforest.

It’s in our nature to protect. With the help of Rainforest Rescuers – people like you – we are significantly protecting pristine habitat for Nature and achieving strong wins for biodiversity. Visit our Protection Portfolio page for a full list of properties protected by Rainforest Rescue since 1999.
Rainforest Rescue on Instagram
#ForestFlora: Have you seen the Yellow bridal veil (Phallus multicolor) 🍄👀? Or, perhaps you`ve smelt it 👃🤢?
This #ForestFungi has a a foul-smelling, sticky spore mass known as a gelatinous gleba. This mimics carrion and attracts insects that help disperse the fungi`s spores. The smell is usually described as foetid, like rotting meat - they are, after all, part of the STINKhorn family!
Learn more about this #FascinatingFungi online: (link in bio) 💚
📷️: Martin Stringer
#DaintreeMushrooms #DaintreeFungi #DaintreeWildlife #YellowBridalVeil #DaintreeRainforest #AncientRainforest #Wildlife #Conservation #Education #Stinkhorn #Mushrooms
Thanks to your incredible support, 110 Cape Tribulation Road is now officially part of Rainforest Rescue 💚🙏.
This 30-hectare disused sugarcane property expands our #ProtectionPortfolio to a total of 233 hectares, including several Wildlife Corridors and Nature Refuges – ecologically valuable areas that are now protected forever.
With your support, and that of others like you, we not only have the land to make a lasting Nature Positive impact but also the capacity and resources to do so. Your Native Rainforest Nursery continues to thrive, with tens of thousands of healthy young trees ready for planting.
Together, we can make 2025 a landmark year for Australian flora and fauna and #ProtectRainforestsForever 🌱💚.
#RainforestConservation #PlantARainforest #Biodiversity #Habitat #Restoration #Conservation #DaintreeRainforest #ProtectARainforest #ConservationGoals #Ecosystems #Daintree
Cassowaries are known to eat the fruit of at least 238 species of which 149 are woody trees. 45 of these plants have large fruit that are mostly dispersed by the Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii) over long distances, making it a very special bird 💚.
Learn more about cassowaries: 💙.
Consider becoming a Rainforest Guardian: ❤️.
(Links in bio☝🏻)
📷: Martin Stringer
#SouthernCassowary #Daintree #DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeBirds #RainforestGardener #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardian #Cassowary #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #SupportNotForProfits #Donate #DinoBirds @birdlifeoz @birdsinbackyards @birdsofaustralia
The Traditional Owners of the northern Queensland rainforest areas are the Kuku Yalanji People – with the Daintree Coast (and within that the Daintree Rainforest) being just one part of Eastern Kuku Yalanji country ❤️💛🖤
Often referred to as the Rainforest People, the Kuku Yalanji people have lived in the area for more than 50,000 years.
The Daintree Rainforest – and the area more broadly – is both culturally and spiritually significant to the traditional owners, with many places of spiritual significance:
🟢 Wundu (Thornton Peak)
🟢 Manjal Dimbi (Mount Demi)
🟢 Wurrmbu (The Bluff)
🟢 Kulki (Cape Tribulation)
Learn more:
Get Involved:
(Links in bio)
📷: Martin Stringer
#DaintreeRainforest #EasternKukuYalanji #KukuYalanji #Daintree #AncientRainforest #FarNorthQueensland #AboriginalAustralia #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #IndigenousAustralia #RainforestPeople #RainforestGuardians
Most of the 150 species of trees planted at NightWings Rainforest Centre are fruiting species that attract birds and bats, further helping restoration by dispersing seeds to adjoining rainforests. The largest trees are now over 5m high, the ground vegetation is lush and insects, lizards, and birds are repopulating this rainforest wonderland 🌱🌳.
We spotted a juvenile Southern Cassowary Cassowary at NightWings in December 2018 - this was the first time this species has been seen south of the Daintree River in over forty years!
🌱 Join us at our 2025 Annual Community Tree Planting Day:
💚 Read more about NightWings online:
(Links in bio)
📷️: Martin Stringer & Emily Silverstone
#Daintree #DaintreeRainforest #Conservation #TreesAreTheAnswer #NightWings #Diwan #DaintreeWildlife #DaintreeFauna #SouthernCassowary #PlantTrees #Trees #ProtectRainforests
As we wrap up our 25th Anniversary celebrations, we’re sharing 25 simple actions YOU can take to help protect the world’s rainforests – including the Daintree! From planting trees to supporting sustainable solutions and organisations, every action counts and good deeds multiply.
Together, we’ve already made a HUGE impact, and we aren`t stopping here. With your help, we can do so much more.
Which of these 25 ideas inspires you to take action?
What else are you incorporating in your day-to-day life?
Let’s keep the momentum going and protect these vital ecosystems, FOREVER 🌍💚
📷: Martin Stringer
🔊: “Lot 46 at Dawn” by Martin Stringer
🎼: “Sunlit Souk” by Patrick Patrikios
#DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeFauna #RainforestWild #RainforestFauna #AustralianRainforest #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #Rainforest ##FarNorthQueensland #Daintree
#ForestFlora: Did you know the Daintree Rainforest is home to the stunning Platycerium bifurcatum, also known as the elkhorn fern?
This unique fern thrives in the humid, lush environment of the Daintree, growing as an epiphyte on trees and rocks. It plays an important role in the rainforest ecosystem, helping to maintain biodiversity and soil health 🌍💚.
While not endangered, the elkhorn fern is considered a species of conservation concern in Queensland.
Join us in preserving this vital rainforest ecosystem and its unique species. Get involved today by learning more or supporting conservation efforts: (link in bio).
📷: Martin Stringer & John Benfer
#DaintreeFerns #Ferns #Elkhorn #DaintreeRainforest #Conservation #DaintreePlants #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #AustralianNativePlants #AustralianWildlife #DaintreeWildlife #Restoration
It`s International Day Of Forests and this years theme is `Forests and Food` 💚.
Forests are pillars of global food security and nutrition, they are also the livelihoods of millions of families. They provide food and energy, support agriculture, regulate climate, conserve biodiversity, and supply freshwater to more than 85% of the worlds major cities.
We encourage you to take a little moment today and let Rainforest Rescue Ambassador Jasmine Carey be your guide though this magical rainforest: (link in bio) 🌴🐛🐍.
📷️: Jasmine Carey
@pxlexplorer #InternationalDayOfForests #Daintree #Rainforest #Wildlife #WildPlans #DaintreePlants #DaintreeRainforest #WildAnimals #DaintreeAnimals #Sustainability #Conservation #Biodiversity
The next generation is here, and they’re protecting and restoring rainforests 💚.
Our #NextGenRainforestRescuers are making waves in conservation -whether it’s planting trees, fundraising, or creating awareness, these future leaders are showing us the power of action 🌍.
Know a #NextGenRainforestRescuer who deserves the spotlight? Share their story with us at 💌
Help empower these change-makers by becoming a Rainforest Guardian: (link in bio) 🌿
📷: Silvia Di Domenicantonio
#PlantTrees #DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #YoungPeople #Youth #LoveTrees #RainforestJourney @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #Conservation #Environment #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits
The Daintree rainforest contains an almost complete record of the evolution of plant life on Earth and has more ancient families of flowering plants than anywhere else in the world, including the entire Amazon jungle 🌳🌿🌼.
Approximately half of the rainforest`s lowlands has been cleared since European settlement: 😲.
The remaining rainforest is of exceptionally high biodiversity and conservation value: 💚.
Donate today to help protect this ancient and precious rainforest: 🌴🌴.
(All links above can be found in our bio)
📷: John Benfer
#RainforestGuardian #DaintreeRainforest #Conservation #AncientRainforest #ConservationValue #Daintree #Biodiversity #DaintreeLowlands #ProtectRainforest #DaintreeHistory #FNQ #FarNorthQueensland
One of the most exciting aspects of tropical rainforest restoration is the knowledge and data that comes with the resurgence of restored habitat 🤓🔎🌿.
Our team is currently working in conjunction with James Cook University to better understand rainforest plants` capability to adapt to changing climatic conditions. These insights help us improve our tree planting decision-making and effective use of donor funding for essential restoration work.
In rainforest restoration, selecting seeds from local sources has been the standard approach, based on the idea that local plants are best adapted to local conditions. However, with rapid climate change, local seeds may not always thrive as conditions shift. We`re testing an alternative approach, trying to adapt to the changing climatic conditions together with the rainforest 🌴🌳.
Learn more: 👀.
#DaintreeRainforest #RainforestRestoration #Restoration #Conservation #Daintree #RainforestPlants #JamesCookUniversity #FarNorthQueensland #TropicalRainforest #DaintreeRestoration #Science #ClimateChange @jamescookuniversity
#CritterCorner: The Australian Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii) is a direct descendent of the dinosaurs 🦕🌿.
Their feet and respiratory structures are similar to those of theropods and their breeding behaviour is thought to have much in common with some groups of dinosaurs.
Cassowaries are part of the ratite family, an ancient group of flightless birds which also includes the emu, ostrich, kiwi and rhea .
Learn more fascinating facts online: (link in bio) 💙❤️🖤.
📷: Martin Stringer
#SouthernCassowary #Daintree #DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeBirds #RainforestGardener #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardian #Cassowary #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #SupportNotForProfits #Donate #DinoBirds @birdlifeoz @birdsinbackyards @birdsofaustralia
🌿 Have you heard of #NextGenRainforestRescuers? 🌿
These incredible young conservation heroes are driving real change for our planet. From tree planting and fundraising to making documentaries, educating others, and being the change they want to see, they’re leading the charge in so many creative and impactful ways! 💚
Do you know a #NextGenRainforestRescuer who should be in the spotlight? We want to hear their story! ✨ Send us an email at and let’s celebrate their efforts together! 💌
Want to support the next generation of changemakers? Become a Rainforest Guardian today and help us make a lasting difference: (🔗 in bio).
📷: Silvia Di Domenicantonio
#PlantTrees #DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #YoungPeople #Youth #LoveTrees #RainforestJourney @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #Conservation #Environment #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits
It`s World Wildlife Day 💚, a moment to recognise the importance of the world`s contributions to sustainability, conservation, and biodiversity.
One of our favourite creatures in Far North Queensland, the Spectacled Flying Fox (Pteropus conspicillatus), plays a vital role in the rainforest ecosystem 🌳.
In the complex web of nature, every living being, from tiny insects to majestic mammals, has a crucial role to play. Unfortunately, this delicate balance is often disrupted. The primary threats to these rainforest pollinators include habitat loss due to development, culling (with permits issued by the QLD Government), and climate change. Recently, extreme temperatures in Far North Queensland led to a significant number of these megabats succumbing to the heat.
Rainforest Rescue is proud to partner with NightWings Rainforest Centre to protect these essential pollinators: (link in bio) 🦇🦇🦇.
📷: Jasmine Carey
#WorldWildlifeDay #SpectacledFlyingFox #DaintreeWildlife #DaintreePollinators #DaintreeAnimals #DaintreeRainforest #FlyingFoxes #Conservation #Sustainability #Biodiversity #Bats @nightwings.centre
#CritterCorner: Azure Kingfishers (Alcedo azurea) are never far from water. They are often seen inhabiting creek banks, swamps, lakes, tidal estuaries and mangroves - keep your eyes peeled 💙👀.
The Daintree is home to 18% of all bird species, all of which rely on the trees, plants, berries, nectar, water, creeks and clean air of the rainforest. We need your help to protect these magnificent birds by protecting the Daintree, now and for generations to come.
We can do this together: (link in bio) 💚.
📸: Martin Stringer
#DaintreeRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #Biodiversity #Conservation #Restoration #TreesAreTheAnswer #GreenerFuture #ProtectOurPlanet #NatureConservation #AzureKingfishers #DaintreeWildlife #DaintreeBirds #Wildlife #FNQ #RainforestWildlife @birdlifeoz @birdsinbackyards @birdsofaustralia @wettropicsworldheritage @qldparks
Thanks to incredible supporters like you, we’ve already secured 110 Cape Tribulation Rd! But we still need your help to fully fund the purchase and protect this crucial piece of the Daintree 🌱💚.
The clock is ticking - 24 hours left to donate! ⏰
DONATE TODAY: (link in bio)
#RainforestConservation #DaintreeRainforest #Conservation #Environment #Rainforests #Biodiversity #ConservationGoals #Daintree #Ecosystems #ClimateChange #Restoration #PlantARainforest #ProtectARainforest #Donate #SupportNotForProfits #AustralianRainforests
"We urgently need an intervention of some kind to ensure there’s a riparian zone" says David White, founder of ecotour Solar Whisper Wildlife and Crocodile Cruises 🐊.
David believes that the river here, in the Daintree, is the gateway and the meeting place of the Great Barrier Reef and the oldest rainforest on Earth; and we’re not treating it accordingly. We need to take action that is in the best interest for First Nations people, wildlife, tourism, community, and the general public. Protecting the waterways is about surviving and thriving. For everyone!
Read more: (link in bio) 💙
📸: Noah Creek by Martin Stringer. A pristine section of the Daintree River – a reminder of how these riparian areas should look.
@solar_whisper #AustralianRainforest #PlantTrees #DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #DaintreeRiver #LoveTrees #TropicalRiver #WetTropics #FarNorthQueensland @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #Conservation #Environment #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits #GreatBarrierReef #AncientRainforest #Wildlife
Be part of something amazing - don’t wait, fundraising ends February 28!
You`ve been with us every step of the way, and together, we can make sure this land is rescued and restored for future generations 🌱💚.
DONATE TODAY: (link in bio)
#RainforestConservation #DaintreeRainforest #Conservation #Environment #Rainforests #Biodiversity #ConservationGoals #Daintree #Ecosystems #ClimateChange #Restoration #PlantARainforest #ProtectARainforest #Donate #SupportNotForProfits #AustralianRainforests
The Daintree Rainforest holds a myriad of incredible animals 💚. One third of Australia`s 315 mammal species call the Daintree Rainforest home, 13 of which cannot be found anywhere else in the world such as Bennett’s tree-kangaroos and Spotted-tail quolls.
In fact, the Daintree is reported to house:
🟢30% of Australia’s frog, reptile, and marsupial species
🟢65% of Australia’s bat and butterfly species
🟢18% of all bird species (including our personal favourite, the Southern Cassowary)
🟢12,000 insect species
In celebration of our 25th anniversary, we want to share with you 25 rare or threatened animal species of the Daintree Rainforest.
Do you recognise them? Do you know any others you`d like to spotlight?
🎙️: `Dawn` by Martin Stringer
#DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeFauna #RainforestWild #RainforestFauna #AustralianRainforest #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #Rainforest ##FarNorthQueensland #Daintree
🚨 Urgent Call for Fresh Wildlife Food in Byron Bay 🚨
As an organisation dedicated to protecting Australia’s rainforests, we know how crucial it is to care for our native wildlife, especially in times of need. @byronbaywildlife urgently requires fresh native plant leaves, fruits, and nectar-rich flowers to support injured wildlife 🦜🐨🦘.
What’s Needed:
🌿 Koalas: A mix of at least three types of koala tree species, such as Tallowwood, Swamp Mahogany, and Red Gums
🌿 Other Wildlife: Grevilleas, Callistemon, Acacia, Lilly Pilly, Melaleuca
If you can help, please contact Annette: 💌
Byron Bay supporters, let’s come together to protect our wildlife 🙏.
#ForTheWildlife #ByronBayWildlifeHospital #WildlifeRescue #WildlifeConservation #AustralianWildlife #NativePlants #SupportNotForProfits #SaveOurWildlife #Conservation #Biodiversity