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Purchasing and protecting Lots 11 and 12 Forest Creek Road increases the area of the Rainforest Rescue Nature Refuge and Forest Creek Wildlife Corridor

Both have National Park and World Heritage Area connectivity and the total size is around two hectares. Both possess significant biodiversity, including four species that have limited distribution. Thanks to Rainforest Rescuers all around the world, from business partners who put their money where their brand is to individuals who can make significant contributions to everyone who gave in any amount this habitat is protected forever.

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We’re often asked about our strategy of purchasing individual parcels of rainforest and whether it makes much difference.

Buying individual parcels of rainforest land that is currently in private hands is the single best way to maintain and protect rainforest. It is very effective and in the Daintree it works as a ‘stop gap’ measure that ensures these properties are not developed and that they remain undisturbed; providing refugia for the rare and threatened species of the Daintree.

They also act as ‘buffers’ that prevent further rainforest eroding. It is akin to a wedge—a pristine and vital wedge. Buying such properties as Lots 11 and 12 is also key to our longer term strategy of acquiring and protecting small blocks that in time can be connected and wildlife corridors created.

This is exactly what we’ve seen—wildlife returning and biodiversity increasing—when such small parcels of rainforest properties are protected and pieced together in this way.

These corridors provide essential connectivity; protecting and sustaining the many rare and threatened species of the Daintree. Animals like the Spotted-Tail Quoll, Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo and the iconic Southern Cassowary, all benefit.

We first visited Lots 11 and 12 many years ago. They are both owned by the one property owner and over the years as we have purchased 9 neighbouring lots, the importance of Lots 11 and 12 has markedly increased.

So when these two connected rainforest properties became available for purchase, we returned to Lots 11 and 12 Forest Creek Road. Both these properties have had little disturbance. The canopy is intact and is typical of the forest in that general area.

Allen Sheather, our Ecological Advisor, has reported that in the context of the neighbouring lots and the quality of existing rainforest located there, these are ideal purchases and that their value to us, and to rainforest conservation more generally, is very significant.

You don’t need us to tell you that as our world gets more complex and our society more technologically advanced, it is easy to underestimate the fundamental role that tropical rainforests, like the Daintree, have.

Tropical rainforests regulate climate and global weather patterns. They are among Earth’s most precious resources. They have a profound influence on freshwater provision, climate stabilisation, pollination and food production, air quality, temperature, biodiversity, medicines and human health.

Globally, tropical deforestation and degradation have reduced the area covered by tropical rainforests from 12 percent to less than 5 percent of Earth’s land area. This is terrifying because the benefits obtained by healthy rainforest ecosystems underpin our very existence and are the pillars of planetary well-being.

Individually, it’s overwhelming. But collectively, when we purchase and protect precious parcels such as Lots 11 and 12, we can indeed help save the rainforests we love and protect them forever. Small local acts, can have global impact.

Forest Creek Road Image Gallery

Wildlife such as Musky Rat-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus), Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii), Spectacled Flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) and Spotted-tailed Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus maculatus) have been seen or are known to live in the habitat of Lots 11 and 12 Forest Creek Road. Extending this Nature Refuge to protect them is crucial.

For over twenty years, Rainforest Rescue has worked to understand, value, and protect our tropical rainforests and during that time our primary focus has been on the most ancient of rainforests, the Daintree.

Working alongside members of the local community, guided by impeccable scientists, and in consultation with Indigenous elders from the region, we’ve developed best practices for the protection of rainforests and creation of contiguous nature corridors.

But, it is only thanks to the consistent and regular support that every Rainforest Rescue supporter provides which means we can do this. These donations empowered us to buy these two very precious parcels of rainforest.

PROTECTED – Lots 11 and 12 Forest Creek Rd


It’s in our nature to protect. With the help of Rainforest Rescuers – people like you – we are significantly protecting pristine habitat for Nature and achieving strong wins for biodiversity. Visit our Protection Portfolio page for a full list of properties protected by Rainforest Rescue since 1999.

Rainforest Rescue on Instagram

Tune into @douglasfm101.5 at 5pm AEST this Wednesday, 4th September - Mark & Branden will be on air with @michaeljosephdouglasshire 🎧🎙️

#ProtectRainforestsForever #RROnTheRadio #DaintreeRainforest #DouglasFM #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #RainforestRescue

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#CritterCorner: The Eastern curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) begins its life in Russia and north-eastern China before traveling more than 10,000km to enjoy the summer’s sun on southern feeding grounds like Queensland’s Toondah Harbour 🐦.⁠

Did you know they are listed as critically endangered in Australia? In fact, their global population is estimated to have declined by 80% in the last 30 years 😔.⁠

As a wading bird that travels across our earth, they rely on intertidal mudflats for food and habitat. But along their migration route, these mudflats are being developed or eroded, placing these beautiful birds at risk.⁠

The Eastern curlew relies on our active protection of their natural habitat 🌳🌳.⁠

⁠This #BiodiversityMonth, we want to help raise awareness of more endangered and threatened species of fauna that are important to the wellbeing of the rainforests. Don`t forget their name!⁠

⁠📷: Avithera⁠

#TheEasternCurlew #AustralianBirds #Birds #DaintreeBirds #DaintreeWildlife #Endangered #EndangeredBirds #ThreatenedSpecies #FNQ #TropicalRainforest #AustralianRainforest #AncientRainforest #ProtectRainforestsForever #SupportNotForProfits #Donate #DinoBirds @birdlifeoz @birdsinbackyards @birdsofaustralia

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Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation (JYAC)`s first tree order was collected in July 🌳🌳🌳.⁠

You probably recall that our Diwan Nursery was handed over to JYAC in late 2023. If you missed it, you can read the article here:⁠ (or visit the News link in our bio) 💚.⁠

Over 12,000 plants a year will be grown at the Diwan facility, with JYAC`s forest rangers team employing the native flora to help restore lowland rainforest at Wawu Dimbi. But, as we all know, growing plants takes time, and the JYAC team needed more for this incredible restoration project 🌳🌳🌳. ⁠

Wawu Dimbi is an important conservation property near Forest Creek, on the edge of the Daintree River, forming a connection between World Heritage protected habitat and wetlands of ecological significance. ⁠

The name Wawu Dimbi means ‘spirit in the background’, referring to the significant cultural site of Thorntons Peak, which is a major Kuku Yalanji story place. ⁠

Hundreds of rainforest plants have already been planted at Wawu Dimbi thanks to the JYAC team, and there`s many more to come!⁠

@jabalbinaofficial #TreesAreTheAnswer #DaintreeRainforest #KukuYalanji #Daintree #ProtectRainforestsForever #AncientRainforest #AboriginalLand #AboriginalAustralia #NativeNursery #DiwanNursery #NativePlantsNursery #DaintreeRiver #PlantingTrees #LoveTrees

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We are dramatically increasing our tree production and our #Daintree Rainforest Nursery will deliver a tree-planting capacity of 150,000 trees a year at full capacity 🌱🌱🌱.⁠

This will enable large-scale restoration projects in the Daintree 🌳🌳🌳.⁠

Through our partnerships with like-minded organisations, Traditional Owners, landowners, and YOU, we’re restoring and protecting rainforests forever.⁠

If you haven`t already, join the movement: (link in bio) 💚.⁠

#DaintreeRainforest #ProtectDaintree #TreesAreTheAnswer #RainforestGuardians #FNQ #WetTropics #LoveDaintree #ConservationGoals #Biodiversity #GreenEconomy #Conservation #Reforestation #Regeneration #PlantTrees #NativeNursery #AncientRainforest #ClimateChange #ConservationPartners #EcologicalRestoration #FarNorthQueensland #LoveTrees @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #PlantMoreTrees #RainforestProtection #ConservationCommunity

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#CritterCorner: Common Mistfrog (Litoria rheocola) isn`t so common anymore 🐸🐸🐸. If you haven`t heard one in a while, it`s likely because it`s classified as Endangered (EN) Decreasing on the IUCN Red List 😔.⁠

This rainforest specialist is restricted to fast-flowing rocky creeks and streams in rainforest as well as wet sclerophyll forest. Within these streams they are often found in the slower more open sections, away from waterfalls. You may be able to spot one if you look along the rocks, logs, and vegetation in or adjacent to streams 👀.⁠

Learn more online: 💚.⁠

📷: Pat Webster/AWC⁠
🎙️: ellabayforever/YouTube ⁠

#RainforestGuardian #DaintreeRainforest #AustralianRainforest #ProtectRainforest #Conservation #Frogs #FrogsOfInstagram #FrogsOfTheDaintree #LoveFrogs #LoveNature #ProtectWildlife #NatureReserve #DaintreeWildlife #PortDouglas #Cairns #CommonMistfrog⁠

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Have you heard of #NextGenRainforestRescuers? ⁠

They are a community of young conservation troopers that have been fundraising, planting trees, making documentaries, educating themselves and their peers, and helping create change in many diverse, impactful, and creative ways 💚.⁠

Help us create a better future for all young people by becoming a Rainforest Guardian today: (🔗 in bio).⁠

Or, if you know a #NextGenRainforestRescuer that you`d like to see featured, DM us here 💬 or email 💌.⁠

📸: Silvia Di Domenicantonio⁠

#AustralianRainforest #PlantTrees #DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #YoungPeople #Youth #LoveTrees #RainforestJourney @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #Conservation #Environment #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits

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Back in June Rainforest Rescue’s Junior Ambassador, Daisy, joined our team`s stall at the Cairns Ecofiesta for her 3rd year in a row 💚. ⁠

At the festival, our team showed people different seeds and plants that grow in the rainforest, as well as chatting about our restoration and conservation work in the Daintree region. ⁠

"The people I chatted with are excited about making a difference and learning what plants are good for their back yards to help nature. We had lots of vines that Cairns Birdwing Butterflies love, so people could take them home to plant and help the butterflies to find a place to eat, lay their eggs and grow their caterpillars." ⁠- Daisy 🦋.⁠

Read more of Daisy`s highlights from the 2024 event 👉 (or visit the News link in our bio).⁠

📸: Martin Stringer⁠

#AncientRainforest #DaintreeRainforest #Rainforests #Trees #TreesAreTheAnswer #AustralianRainforest #AustralianForest #Conservation #RainforestsOfInstagram #ForestsOfAustralia #ForestsOfInstagram #CairnsEcofiesta #Daintree #DaintreeWildlife #Butterfly #Wildlife #Caterpillar #ButterfliesOfInstagram #MothsAndButterflies #DaintreeForest #DaintreeInsects #InsectsOfInstagram #FNQ #BirdwingButterflyCaterpillar #WetTropics @cairnscouncil ⁠

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Since 1999, with your support, we have purchased 45 properties for protection (44 in the Daintree and 1 BIG one in Tasmania) 🌳🌳🌳. ⁠

Together, we purchase and protect rainforest FOREVER, increasing the footprint of protected areas like our growing Nature Refuges and reconnecting them to the National Park through wildlife corridors, which allows the native fauna and flora to thrive 💚.⁠

Join the movement and help restore and protect the incredible beauty and biodiversity of the Daintree: 🌳🐸🐛.⁠

#DaintreeRainforest #TreesAreTheAnswer #RainforestGuardians #WetTropics #LoveDaintree #ConservationGoals #Biodiversity #GreenEconomy #Conservation #Reforestation #Regeneration #ProtectDaintree #FNQ #PlantTrees #NativeNursery #AncientRainforest #ClimateChange #ConservationPartners #EcologicalRestoration #FarNorthQueensland #LoveTrees @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #PlantMoreTrees #RainforestProtection #ConservationCommunity #RainforestGuardian

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#ForestFlora: Wild Nutmeg (Myristica insipida), or Binjubal in Kuku Yalanji language, is a food source for Southern Cassowaries, Musky rat-kangaroos, Victoria`s Riflebirds and Fruit pigeons. ⁠

It also produces a useful general purpose timber and the bark has been used medicinally by Kuku Yalanji people for tens of thousands of years. ⁠

Check out our #FastFacts video featuring Juan from @walkaboutculturaladventures by visiting⁠

📸: Territory Native Plants⁠

#WildNutmeg #MyristicaInsipida #Binjubal #KukuYalanji #DaintreeRainforest #Daintree #ProtectRainforestsForever #TreesAreTheAnswer

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Have you heard of #NextGenRainforestRescuers? Do you maybe know one or two? We`d love to hear from you 🗨️.⁠

They are a community of young conservation troopers that have been fundraising, planting trees, making documentaries, educating themselves and their peers, and helping create change in many diverse, impactful, and creative ways 💚.⁠

Help us create a better future for all young people by becoming a Rainforest Guardian today: (🔗 in bio).⁠

Or, if you know a #NextGenRainforestRescuer that you`d like to see featured, DM us here 💬 or email 💌.⁠

#AustralianRainforest #PlantTrees #DaintreeRainforest #RainforestGuardian #YoungPeople #Youth #LoveTrees #RainforestJourney @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #Conservation #Environment #TreesAreTheAnswer #Daintree #DaintreeNationalPark #MoreTrees #Donate #SupportNotForProfits

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As we continue celebrating 25 years of protecting the rainforest, we want to share Mark Dunphy`s memories of the Daintree with you today. ⁠

As an author, ecologist, founder of Firewheel Rainforest Nursery, and president of Big Scrub Rainforest Conservancy (BSRC), Mark`s work has many parallels with Rainforest Rescue’s journey. ⁠

In fact, Firewheel Rainforest Nursery is the blueprint for our Cow Bay Native Nursery that will soon grow 150,000 trees a year. Mark is our Nursery Advisor, consulting with Marine, Hayden and the team on propagation and growth techniques that mimic natural biodiversity development when restoring degraded land.⁠

Read the full story here: (link in bio, or send us a message) 💚.⁠

@firewheelrainforestnursery #Rainforests #Daintree #PartnershipsForProtection #ProtectRainforestsForever #TreesAreTheAnswer #DaintreeRainforest #FarNorthQueensland #RainforestGuardians #ProtectRainforests #ConservationGoals #AncientRainforest #AustralianRainforest #LoveDaintree #NativeNursery #GrowingTrees #NativeTrees #AustralianTrees #GrowTrees #ClimateChange #Gondwana #AustralianHistory #CapeTribulation

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Your ongoing support helps purchase and protect high conservation value rainforest, where numerous endemic species thrive (like Spectacled flying foxes, or Pteropus conspicillatus). ⁠

Your Rainforest Guardianship helps re-establish rainforest through restoration planting and maintenance, which is a BIG deal 💚.⁠

Join the movement: ⁠

📷: Martin Stringer ⁠

#FlyingFoxes #DaintreeBats #Bats #LoveBats #RainforestGuardian #ProtectRainforest #Batsofinstagram @australasianbatsociety @daintreediscovery @destinationdaintree @portdouglas #AustralianRainforest @qldparks @destinationdaintree @portdouglasdaintree @portdouglasuncovered @cairnstourism @cairnsaustralia #DaintreeAnimals #Queensland @nationalparksaustralia #CapeTribulation #LoveNature #ProtectDaintree #EcoSystems #RainforestWildlife #AncientRainforest #EcoWarriors

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#CritterCorner: Is it some kind of rat? The world`s tiniest kangaroo? Or, a little bit of both 🧐⁠?

Introducing the Musky rat-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus) 🦘🐀💚.

Unlike most modern kangaroos, these curious critters have somehow retained the ancient characteristics of their extinct ancestors, such as opposable thumbs on their hind feet used for climbing, their prehensile tails used to grasp or hold objects, unspecialised teeth, digestive tracts, diet and their habit of birthing twins or triplets. ⁠

Learn more online: 💚. ⁠

📸: Ken Griffiths⁠

#MuskyRatKangaroo #DaintreeWildlife #RainforestWildlife #ProtectRainforestsForever #FarNorthQueensland⁠

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As we continue our 25th anniversary celebrations, we want to share a beautiful story with you about the the incredible work of Annie Schoenberger, the owner of NightWings Rainforest Centre, where you may have planted a tree or a dozen 🌳🌳🌳.

In 2015, Annie reached out to our team, wanting to transform 15 hectares of old sugarcane fields into thriving Daintree lowland rainforest. And together, we got busy transforming! Since then, tens of thousands of trees have been planted by Rainforest Rescuers – both staff and volunteers – to help repair this damaged land.

Today, those seedlings, some of which are now mature trees, are growing and creating a thriving habitat for native wildlife.

We are so thrilled to share with you a video (head over to our YouTube channel) from this year`s community tree planting at NightWings, which features a heartfelt poem by Annie that beautifully captures the spirit of community and conservation that drives these planting days.

#PlantTrees #NightWingsRainforestCentre #Daintree #DaintreeRainforest #AustralianRainforest #LoveTrees #LoveDaintree #TreesAreTheAnswer #RainforestRescuers #DaintreeWildlife #NativeWildlife #DaintreeWildlife @nightwings.centre @qldparks @portdouglasuncovered @destinationdaintree @daintreediscovery

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Landcare Week commences today 💚. ⁠

This inspiring annual celebration helps acknowledge the Australians who are actively restoring, enhancing and protecting the natural environment in their community. We`re so proud of all the Rainforest Rescuers and other like-minded nature warriors who help protect and restore the Daintree. ⁠

Together with the landcare communities, we want to help protect the vital biodiversity of the rainforests, build resilience and continue protecting precious ecosystems FOREVER 💚. ⁠

📷: Silvia Di Domenicantonio ⁠

#LandCareIsfForEveryone #LIFE #Landcare #LandcareWeek2024 #LandcareAustralia @landcareaustralia #DaintreeRainforest #Conservation #ProtectDaintree #RainforestRescuers #RestoreDaintree #LoveDaintree

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#CritterCorner: Ranked #6 on the list of largest snakes in the world, the Amethystine Python (Australian form), also known as the Australian Scrub Python (Simalia kinghorni) is the largest native snake in Australia 🐍💚.

This beautiful critter shines like an amethyst gemstone and has infra-red or heat-sensitive labial pits that allow them to detect, stalk and strike prey accurately in the dark.

Know your wildlife - read more online: (or visit the `News` link in our bio) 👀.

📷: Wildside

#Snakes #DaintreeSnakes #DaintreeWildlife #DaintreeRainforest #Daintree #AustralianRainforest #SnakesOfInstagram #LoveSnakes #ProtectDaintree #AustralianScrubPython #AmethystinePython #RainforestCritters #ForestCritters #Rainforest #Python #DaintreeLife #FNQ

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Australia ranks second in the world for biodiversity loss, leading the world in mammal extinctions 😔.

Moreover, it has been named as the only developed nation on a global deforestation hotspot list.

Tune in to ABC Australia today to listen to Glen Walker, Head of Nature at Greenpeace Australia Pacific, talk about the current challenges and solutions (send us a message if you want help finding the link) 🌲🌲🌲.

#MammalExtinction #BiodiversityLoss #Deforestation #ProtectForests #ProtectWildlife #DaintreeRainforest #DaintreeWildlife #SaveKoalas #Conservation #AustralianEndangeredAnimals #Endangered #ConservationGoals @abcaustraliaabcaustralia @greenpeaceap

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